Indofood Receives Awards in Twelve Categories for Nutrition Care Award 2013

Jakarta, June 25th 2013 - PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk was honored in 12 different categories at the Nutrition Care 2013 Awards during the National Seminar on Food and Nutrition in Jakarta on June 25. The awards were from the Food and Nutrition Society of Indonesia (PERGIZI PANGAN) in cooperation with The Indonesian Food and Beverage Association (GAPMMI).

Ten of the awards were for Indofood's innovative approach to developing nutritional and health-conscious food products, with another two awards recognized the Company's corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities, specifically those that related to nutrition, food and health improvements.

Indofood's 10 award-winning products were wheat flour Segitiga Biru Premium; noodle product brands Indomie Goreng Rasa Cabe Ijo and Pop Mie, cereal product Govit Sagon Sereal; milk product brands Indomilik Susu Pasteurisasi, Indomilk Kids Susu UHT Rasa Vanila, Indomilk Susu Bubuk Coklat; seasoning products Bumbu Racik Ikan Goreng and Bumbu Racik Sayur Lodeh; and cooking oil Bimoli Special.

There were two Indofood CSR activities that received awards, namely SUN Mobile Nutrition , which provides nutrition and health-care activities for mothers and toddlers for free in cooperation with the Family Welfare Empowerment Team (Tim Penggerak PKK) of DKI Jakarta province and the Indomie Facebook account, which is considered to be a leader in providing education about nutrition, food safety and culinary expertise.

The assessment criteria of the awards covered five main aspects, which included meeting regulatory requirements of the product standards, packaging and labeling in the Indonesian language, nutritional-functional components of products to overcome public health issues such as a lack of nutrition or disease, among others.

The jury of food and nutritional experts also considered a number of other non-mandatory criteria, including consideration of women and children, development of traditional Indonesian values, helping drive micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises and promotion of healthy lifestyle habits such as healthy eating.

Indofood General Manager Corporate Communications Stefanus Indrayana said, "As a Total Food Solutions Company, Indofood will always innovate to continue to produce quality products and can provide solutions for sustainable food. We also want continue to contribute to a healthy, intelligent and quality future generation through various CSR programs of the Company, both in the areas of nutrition and education."